Thursday, March 03, 2005

New Digital collections

I've made several updates to the queries and bibliography pages at the Crane Society and Wharton Society sites, but the major additions to the American literature site are these on the Sites page:

The New York Public Library, which has the Schomburg Collection of nineteenth-century African American women writers, has just made a number of other digital collections of images available online; it is especially rich in text and images about New York, maps, and African American history.

The Women Working, 1870-1930 archive (Open Collections Program) at Harvard University includes "[d]igitized historical, manuscript, and image resources selected from Harvard University's library and museum collections that explore women's roles in the US economy between the Civil War and the Great Depression." The site provides free, searchable access to the collection's "2,396 books and pamphlets, 1,075 photographs, and 5,000 pages from manuscript collections."

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